
"Effective Interview Techniques" Training Conducted in Collaboration with Our Vocational School and the Career Planning Application and Research Center

In collaboration with our Vocational School and the Career Planning Application and Research Center, a "Effective Interview Techniques" Training was organized for our Vocational School students. The training was conducted by Ayçın Gümüşok Karaalp, an Employment and Vocational Counselor from Bartın İŞKUR.

During the training, emphasis was placed on the tips needed to succeed in the interview process. Participants were also briefed on topics such as image management and effective body language usage in addition to interviews. Furthermore, the aspects to be considered during interviews were thoroughly discussed.

The training was conducted interactively with the students. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions related to the topics they learned during the training and interact with counselors. The training concluded in a question-answer format, allowing participants to address their shortcomings and gain a deeper understanding of the topics.

Following the training, Ayçın Gümüşok Karaalp, an Employment and Vocational Counselor from Bartın İŞKUR, stated, "The interview process is crucial for job seekers, and successfully navigating it plays a significant role in shaping their careers. I am pleased to have provided participants with information on interview techniques, image management, and effective communication skills in this training. Hopefully, our students will apply this knowledge successfully, bringing them closer to their desired careers."

The support provided to students through the collaborations of our Vocational School and the Career Planning Application and Research Center will continue to positively contribute to their career development.
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